Chongyuan Hakka Temple is a family temple of the "Zhang Liao" clan in Xiluo. It was founded in the Daoguang period of the Qing Dynasty. The original site was in Xia Nanli. The ancestral hall was named "Jishutang". In the 17th year of Guangxu (1891), it was damaged by a typhoon, so the Liao clan moved to the current site of Futianli in Xiluo in 1928, and re-named the ancestral hall from "Jishutang" "to "Chongyuantang" according to the third ancestral motto.
崇遠堂為西螺「張廖」氏族家廟。創建於清道光年間,原址在下湳里,宗祠名稱為「繼述堂」,昭和3年(1928)移建現址。 光緒17年 (1891),因為受到颱風侵襲而毀損,所以廖氏族人在昭和3年(1928)移建西螺福田里現址,並將祠堂堂號,依第三條祖訓由「繼述堂」改名為「崇遠堂」。
The ancestral tablet of the Zhang and Liao clan is enshrined in the shrine. The seven ancestral mottos asked their descendants to remember their ancestors, filial piety parents and love brothers and sisters. It is said that the "seven" of Xiluo seven inlays originated from Here, "embedded" originally means "owed", which means that descendants owe their ancestors, so they must remember their ancestors and worship them on time. The two ceremonies are held every spring and every autumn. The descendants of Zhang and Liao gather in front of the hall to pay respect to the ancient ancestors in Zhao'an ritual.
Chongyuan temple is magnificent, with complex carvings, and the calligraphy on the pillars is even more impressive. Chongyuan Temple is located in the fertile fields in Futian. It occupies a large area and has an elegant environment that is worthwhile to visit. It is also known as the 3 big family temples in Taiwan and the other two are for Chen clan and the Lin clan located in Dalongdong, Taipei and in Beitun, Taichung respectively.