
Back to home Lai-Hui old house




Lai-Hui village has combined paintings and plants to beautify a Hakka Alley.     In the village, the three-section compounds, the barn, the long-term worker’s room and the clay houses are all over 100 years old. There is a monument that wrote ‘Back to home” on the front entrance. You need to pronounce it by Hakka language that came from the original LaiHui tribal name.  There are 2 statements for it.   One is when Zhao-An Hakka ancestors came here for cultivation, some people wanted to go outside for making more money.  But in the end, the result was not as expected and came back here again.   Friends and relatives welcomed them as usual.   That‘s the reason to call it ‘Back to home”. The other statement is the resident’s farm was far away home and farm roads were too narrow to walk on.   On the way home while finishing farm work, they needed to walk through the convenient bridge where robbery happened quite often.  In order to help each other, they would yell at each other to back home together.   That’s the reason to call it “Back to Home”.

雲林縣以二崙鄉來惠村結合彩繪與綠美化,打造一條客家巷,村內三合院、穀倉、長工寮、土角厝居已超過百年歷史。 入口意象「回頭屋」要用詔安語發音,是指來惠社區這個部落地名的由來,一說是先民至此地墾荒,有些人想要到外地發展,成果卻不如預期,想到故居土地肥沃,陸續又回頭定居,鄉里親友歡迎如故,並未排斥,久了大家就稱這地方為「回頭屋」;另一說是當初居民的耕地多離家遠,加上農路小難行,日落回家時中途須經一條河上便橋,這裡常有土匪搶劫,所以激發大家同舟共濟的精神,回程時會相互么喝回頭嘍,久而久之,就稱這個地方為回頭屋。

The Liao’s ancient home "Longxingtang" with a half-moon pond beside the road was built by Mr. Liao Yuhuo.   It is across from Laihui Elementary School, It covers a vast area, and is a combination of Chinese and Western architecture, exquisite and beautiful.   The century-old lychee tree and the octagonal water tower behind the house are precious attractions.


The quaint building of the "Fu Mian Tang" of Wen He Gong, with carved beams and painted ridges, is extraordinary. Both calligraphy and painting on the walls of the hall are masterpieces, which are very admirable.

