Yongding Village used to be called Yongdingcuo, because the ancestors who moved here during the Qianlong period were the Li family from Yongding County, Fujian, and were named to commemorate the ancestral home.
The ancient house of Li Yingmei is hidden by the side of the rural road, and is not easy to find. The house is very large, the surrounding walls are magnificent, and the inner courtyard is wide and well-preserved. The paintings on the main walls of the ancient house and the hall are mostly the artworks of the famous craftsman Ke Huanzhang. Even they are slightly faded, they are still precious and can hardly conceal the glory of the old mansion gate. Hanging on the porch is a plaque that says ``Follow the situation and settle down.'' It seems that’s what the owner of the ancient house is looking for? You can get a glimpse of the rich style of the old landlord from a large field outside the ancient house.
李應昧古厝隱身於鄉野小路旁,古厝正面不易察覺 。其宅院規模極大,圍牆氣派,內埕寬廣且保存完善。古厝正身及大廳的彩繪多為名匠柯煥章作品集,即便稍有褪色,仍彌足珍貴且難掩昔日大宅門輝煌年代光華。門廊上懸掛著「隨遇而安」匾額,看來也是古厝主人所悉心追求的吧?古厝外大片田疇,可窺見昔日大地主時期的豪門氣派……
The rich cultural heritage of Erlun has brought up many famous literary masters. Ji Ji and Zhong Wenyin were both born in the Yongding village, and they often felt nostalgic for their hometown in writing, which produced many great articles. Their former residence is not far from Li's ancient home, which is worth visiting. Song Zelai, another well-known writer, was born in Dayi Village and is close to Yongding. His works recorded the local customs and scenery in the 60s, and investigated Taiwan's rural and urban environmental and ideological changes and that helped him to win numerous awards.
底蘊豐富的二崙多元文化,孕育出多位著名的文學大家。 季季、鍾文音皆出生在永定聚落,寫作時常感懷故鄉之情,揮灑出眾多感動人心的作品。她們的故居離李氏古厝不遠,值得順道探訪。另一知名作家宋澤萊、出生在大義村,和永定緊鄰,他的作品記錄50年代地方的風土民情、景色風光,探討台灣農村和城鄉環境及思想變遷,獲獎無數。