In 1973, our government pushed forward to speed up the rural economy and guided to establish dairy farming zone in the southern section of Lumbei , which was the first special dairy farming zone established in Taiwan. In 1984, due to the increasing number and scale of dairy farmers, in order to ensure the right of dairy farmers, some dairy farmers initiated the formation of Yunlin Dairy Cow Production Cooperative to strengthen the development of dairy farming. Till now, Lumbei has become the second largest dairy farming area in Taiwan. It produces one-tenth of Taiwan's fresh milk. It is the major production town of fresh milk in Taiwan and generates billions of Yunlin output every year and is known as the "hometown of fresh milk." In 2003, Chen-Chau-Ku Bakery was established by the founder Mr. Huang in Lumbei Township, Yunlin County. For intensive cultivation, the bakery products using fresh milk which was delivered directly from Lumbei Dairy Farm and have been acclaimed. In 2016, Chen-Chau-Ku cow happy Ranch was officially opened, where you can feed cattle closely and purchase high-quality dairy baked goods. It is a good place for tourists and local residents to relax with their family during holidays.
民國62年(西元1973年)政府推動加速農村經濟建設,輔導設置酪農專業區於崙背枋南段,是全台第一處設立的酪農專業區。民國73年(1984年)因酪農戶數及規模日漸擴增,為確保酪農經營權利,部分酪農戶自行發起籌組雲林縣乳牛生產合作社,以加強推動酪農事業之發展。直至今日,崙背成為全台第二大酪農區,所產鮮乳佔全台十分之一,是全台鮮乳重鎮,每年創造數十億元產值,有「鮮乳之鄉」美譽。 民國92年(西元2003年),千巧谷烘焙工場由創辦人黃先生在雲林縣崙背鄉成立,為深耕在地,烘焙產品採用崙背酪農區直送的鮮乳,獲得廣大的迴響。民國105年(西元2016年)千巧谷牛樂園牧場正式開幕,在這裡可以近距離餵食牛群,還有販售優質乳製烘焙食品,成為外地遊客、在地居民假日親子休閒的好去處。