Taisi is located at the end of Hu-Wei Brook and faces the Taiwan Strait. The living condition is very strict since facing the strong sea breeze and no fertile soil. But it keeps the original looking of the fishing village. Around 70% of twenty-thousand residents work on aquaculture and maintain its unique property. Taisi primary school was founded in 1912. The Principal of Dai-Chi-Long had worked on marine ecology for a long time and took the chance to change the idle Wu-shu library to Ocean Art Museum in the year of 2012 to celebrate the 100th anniversary. It also offered to cultural and historical workers and artists as an exhibition. As a principal of Taisi primary school for 6 years, he worked hard to connect with local fishing village characters and transform Taisi primary school to an “Ocean Art School”. He also hired a local oyster shell painting artist to work with all the teachers and students to use local clams and oyster shells to decorate the whole school including the main entrance, classrooms, stairs, toilets and so on. It refreshed school and made the whole campus look colorful and full of strong ocean vibes.
臺西鄉位於風頭水尾,生活條件相對嚴苛,但也因此保留了漁村的原始風貌,全鄉兩萬餘名居民約有七成從事養殖產業,到處都有海口地區獨特的氣息。 臺西國小成立於大正元年(西元1912年),歷史悠久,西元2012年適逢臺西國小創校一百周年,時任校長戴進隆長期致力於推廣臺西海洋生態,便運用機會推動將長期閒置的吳水圖書館改建為海洋藝術館,提供當地文史或藝術工作者作為展場。擔任校長的六年期間,結合在地漁村特色,讓臺西國小蛻變成為海洋藝術特色學校。更聘請在地蚵貝彩繪藝術家,和全校師生利用在地文蛤與牡蠣殼動手製作教室、樓梯、廁所裝置藝術,五彩繽紛,讓校園各處煥然一新,充滿濃厚的海洋氣息。