
Hi-Kao Story House



The house was founded in 1937, when Taiwan was under Japanese colonial rule. It was the official residence of the third Japanese chief of village during his stay in Taiwan.  The whole building was made of Taiwan Cypress.   From 1945 to 1994, it was changed to the Chief dormitory.   But after 1994, the chiefs of the village are all natives. They would rather live in their own house than taking dormitory. Therefore, it had been idled since then. In 2006, it was registered as a historical architecture.    After renovating, the residence which once had been deserted for couples of years, turned into the first story house for the Taiwanese new immigrants.  It has become the important cultural gathering spot in Yunlin for new immigrants.  By 2020, the population of the immigrants in Yunlin is around 16,000. Considering that learning one more language can be more competitive in the international world, the house provides a place for kids learning the mother tongue of their home countries and getting to know our Taiwanese culture.   It offers a platform to boost cultural connections between Taiwan and immigrants’ home countries. Setting off from Taisi, we create an imagination in education and develop the new direction of Taiwan value.

海口庄長宿舍在昭和12年(西元1937年)完工,是日籍海口庄第三任庄長相本伊作在臺住所,為全檜木建造的日式建築。民國34年(西元1945年)因行政區劃更動,改稱「海口鄉鄉長宿舍」,直到民國83年(西元1994年)後因鄉長皆為當地人,上任後仍居於自家,遂此官邸閒置。 民國95年(西元2006年)登錄為歷史建築,原已荒廢數年,雜草叢生,經重新整修後,打造成為全台第一座新住民故事館,成為雲林縣重要的新住民文化據點,是新住民孩子學習母語、認識本國文化的基地,提供台灣與新住民母國連接溝通的平台,從臺西海口故事屋出發,開展教育新想像,邁出台灣價值新方向。
