




Welcome to Xiluo Yanping Old Street Culture Museum. The predecessor of the culture museum is Jiefa Qianji Tea House, an old tea shop with nearly 200 years of history. The old building you see now is the one with three entries in order to get in, which was rebuilt by Mr. Xu Jin in 1935, the ten years of the Showa era in Japan.


On the right hand side, there are various antique tea cans displayed on cabinets, and those ancient tea names labeled on the tea cans offer historical evidence of our tea history and culture.

大門左手邊掛著鎮館之寶-捷發找茶圖。在二十世紀台灣還沒有種茶樹前,茶青需仰賴中國進口,捷發茶莊的茶青原料來自福建武夷山。在尚未有google map的年代,捷發主人聘請畫師畫下武夷山地形圖,便利族人採購茶青使用,圖中武夷山的地名有一曲到九曲之間的彎道轉折,據說大致和現在相同,著名的大紅袍就在最頂端的九曲之上,您也可以找找看喔!找茶圖旁邊掛著老店招牌「老舖捷發乾記 親辦武夷各巖頂上名種」,可做為武夷茗茶專賣店的證據。再往前走兩步,牆上書寫著捷發茶莊的歷史沿革,提供您可以慢慢閱讀。

On the left hand side of the gate, you could see the Key highlights of our collection, a hand drawing map of the origin of fresh tea leaves from Mountain Wuyi, when Taiwan didn’t grow tea, all tea leaves were imported from mainland china. In the era when there was no Google map, the owner of Jiefa hired a painter to draw a topographic map of Wuyi Mountain to facilitate local people to purchase tea green. The tea map is right next to the old shop sign , which is also the evidence that Jie Fa Chien Ji tea shop sells the tea particularly from Wuyi. Moving two steps forward, there's Jie Fa tea shop's history on the wall, allowing a tea lover to appreciate.


Since thousands of years, the ethos of "Pass on Farming and Reading " has never fallen. The poem on the lintels of Jiefa Tea House has added lots of elegance and fun to this old house. Standing in the store, your eyes are easily caught by the words "song" and "fisheye" on the wooden screen. What do these two words mean? This is one of the lines in the poem "Tea baking Experiment" by Su Shi in the Northern Song Dynasty-", describing about the sound of chirping when baking tea in the stove, like the sound of wind blowing pine leaves. "Fisheye" is the blisters appearing when boiling tea, and the big bubbles are fisheyes, the small bubbles crabeyes. All are the metaph of the fun of tea making. The couplet on the middle gate written on with the words "dragon cluster" and "bird tongue" are the names of ancient teas, creating rich meanings, by which you can literally understand how people experience the pleasure of drinking tea in their leisure!


The wooden screen of the shop is used to separate the business place and the living space. Neither the female family nor the strangers are allowed to get in and out without permission. Even the male family can only enter by the small side door. The main gate would only be opened in some particular circumstances such as welcoming special guests. The land of the tea house is about 270 ping, featuring three spaces connected by three entries, of which the wooden windows and the doors were all original and well preserved. The house is filled with traditional Chinese poetry, implying the essence of Chinese tea culture.
