
First Street




In Xiluo, the street is called " The first Street ", also known "Dark Street", a narrow road from the east to the west paralleling to Yanping road which begins from Daciao road to Jianxing Road. It was narrow because, in old times, it was only for pedestrians, rickshaw and Ox cart. Located in the middle part of the Zhuo Shui River, Xiluo became a trade center for converging goods of mountain and marine as well as frequent merchants' gathering.

Therefore,in 1935, during the period of " City Renovating Planning", a street southward from the Dark Street was planned, and it is the one called Yanping road by now. Due to the alteration of the main street, the residents had no choice but to build walls to block, which forms the patio between two entries.


The "Yaolin Yanpai" plaque is Xu family's company title of Jiefa Tea House , which originated in Jinjiang, Quanzhou, Fujian, and it is there to remind future generations not to forget their root. There are secret codes on the stairs here! The stairs of white tiles arranged in a zigzag pattern stand for " Here are all intelectuals", and the red brick for "no lack of wiser here ", which comes from"The Inscription of the Humble Room" by Liu Yuxi in the Tang Dynasty. It is intended to express the tea house owner's cultivation and learning ".
