
Xu Jin family




Coming to the second entry, suggest to take first look at the large wall on the left, on which are the records of the history of Xiluo Old Street as well as the Xu Jin family. The left and the right rooms were originally the tea making rooms, and the middle hall the working area. Now these spaces are for Cultural relics exhibition of the Jiefa family.

The exhibition cabinet on the left is Jiefa’s old account book, which records the financial relationship of the tea shop’s trading companies, local celebrities and family members, and was clearly listed the import and payment of tea green from Keelung. Account book reveals the business networks at home and abroad, such as the famous Yaoyang Tea Shop, a business partner more than 100 years ago. In addition, many store seals, tea seals are kept in the shop. These different seals show different purposes as well as the business situation of the old tea houses.


The "Chidu Dacheng " in the right display case provides writing template to help people lack of literacy to write letters to their family. We can see the reference words for inquiry on the homepage, especially "inquiry about the news of home and relatives.", through which we can imagine how these people missed their family when returning to Taiwan for work from their hometowns in china. To release their homesickness, they turned their nostalgia into words to communicate with their family by letter.

捷發茶莊以製茶為主,也曾兼營文房四寶、印刷等生意。許金表弟許嘉樂在嘉義開設「捷發漢書部」。展櫃內的紅色小書「新刊雪梅 合歌」封底印有捷發茶莊的廣告【萬年松】,還有茶罐照片與售價等,堪稱是最有行銷概念的商號。

Jiefa Tea House is mainly engaged in making tea, and has also run the business of selling four treasures(four stuffs used in study) and printing. Xu Jinle, cousin of Xu Jin, opened the "Jiefa Hanshu Department" in Chiayi. The small red book "New Issue Xuemeihege" is printed with "Jiefa Tea Hege ". The back cover is printed with an advertisement of Jiefa Tea House [Wan Nian Song] as well as photos and prices of tea pots. All of these made Jiefa Tea House be never over-praised as the trade group with the best concept of marketing.
