




There is a water well in the third entry patio. In ancient times, the cost of manual well drilling was high. Usually a village shared a well. Only wealthy people like Jiefa had the financial resources to own a well. Imagine the situation that, around the well, children were playing while the Xu's women were doing their laundry and chatting with each other. The well should be the most liveliest place for the whole house!


Walking in from the outside, did it occur to you that this house is quite long? The longhouse living pattern of Xiluo Old Street was formed during the Japanese period from 1925 to 1940. Concerned about the relationship between lighting and air circulation, the patio is necessary between each entrance. Jiefa's third entry was built in 1933 and was the most luxurious of the old houses in Xiluo. The place now you are standing is also the most beautiful spot to take pictures, why not stop and give it a photo shoot?


It is recommended that you walk up three more steps and turn your head to look out. You will find that you walked each step higher than the previous one when getting into the house. This accords with the meaning of "rising step by step" in Chinese feng shui. Standing here allow you to see the Roman columns around. Look carefully! The top of the column is decorated with a tortoise shell pattern that symbolizes longevity. The melon tube decoration at the foot of the column represents the good fortune of many sons and grandchildren. Look up at Greece round columns on the second floor, a rare Ionic scroll head and the Corinthian leaf decoration can be seen, which all creates a glorious sense of Western architecture.
