
The cultural relics of the ordinary people's life




The red brick wall on the right side of the third floor and the left wooden wall are ancient architectural relics, which was the appearance of the old house when it was first built in 1935, the air full of wood aroma, and the original taste completely preserved. It was originally a warehouse, and behind it was a small room for long dwelling staffs. Now it is an exhibition hall to display the life of ordinary people in the old street. Look up, you can clearly see the traditional large wooden building structure: a wonderful construction method used to connect the beam and the column of tenon-and-mortar structure, which made the perfect roofs and rooms.


There is a small door on the left wall leading to the next door, because the house was originally built as two houses connected in one. How old is this house? Let’s look for evidence of clues. It is said that the old newspapers stuck on the wooden wall was that of October 30th of the Showa decade. You can get closer, and it maybe give you a glimpse of the social news of 70 years ago.!

老街常民生活文物,概括食、衣、住、育樂各類用品。有蒸籠、竹簍、竹篩、謝籃、火爐、秧苗籃、縫紉機、公用電話、搖藍、祭祀用品、洗澡木桶、簑衣、醃漬的陶罐、 梳粧臺、菜櫥⋯⋯等等。其中有一灰陶件,外方內圓高約10公分,是老街建築中隱埋入牆柱內的落水磚,在夏季多雨的台灣,老屋保存得良好與否,就看這個壘堆在各屋角的落水磚有無斷裂,經不經用喔!

In the Old Street, the cultural relics of the ordinary people's life summarized are various supplies for food, clothing, housing, and entertainment, including steamers, bamboo baskets, bamboo sieves, Xie baskets, stoves, seedling baskets, sewing machines, public telephones, blue shakers, sacrificial supplies, bath barrels, clothes, pickled clay pots, dressing tables, kitchen cabinets, etc. Among them, there is a gray pottery piece, square the outer and circle the inner, about 10 cm high, which is, in the old street building, a brick buried in the wall pillar to bear raining water. In Taiwan where it is rainy in summer, whether the old house is well preserved or not depends on whether the buried bricks piled up in each corner of the house are broken, by which people check if the house can bear long use.
